Underwater Archaeology

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Feuchtboden- und Unterwasserarchäologie
Tauchverein für Unterwasserarchäologie

Gesellschaft für Schweizer Unterwasserarchäologie
webpage of the GSU
Underwater archaeology departement of the city of Zurich
more information about the underwater archaeology of the city of Zurich you find here
E-publication "verstehen und vorausschauen"
E-publication "graben und auswerten"
E-publication "forschen und schützen"
Diving team of the Archaeological sAervice of the canton of Bern
more information for externals you find here
Department of Archaeology of the cantion of Thurgau
more about tasks, projects, publications and team you find here
Diving team of the Department of Archaeology of the canton of Fribourg
here you find the website and current projects of the diving team